Ganxsta Zolee és a Kartel Helldorado 20.

Vendég: DENIZ
Saturday, 10 August  2019Gate opening 18:00 Concerts Past event


Egy legendás este – hazánk legnagyobb fenegyerekei, a Ganxsta Zolee és a Kartel ikonikus albumukat, a Helldoradot hozzák el augusztus 10-én a Budapest Parkba. Az idén húszéves kultikus anyagon olyan slágerek szerepeltek, mint A jó, a rossz és a Kartel vagy A való világ – ezek is biztosan terítékre kerülnek a nyár leggengszterebbnek ígérkező estéjén!

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Arena tickets

Ticket Sale:

Ticket information:

  • We can only take responsibility for tickets bought at Budapest Park or from our official ticketing partners (, Ticketportal, Simple mobil app)
  • Don’t publish your ticket on any online platforms!
  • If you buy your ticket on, you don’t have to print it out. You just have to show your ticket (QR code or bar code) on your mobile phone to enter the venue.

Age limit:

Guests under the age of 16: under parental supervision or accompanied by an adult authorized by a parent. Guests between the ages of 16-18: with a parental declaration completed in advance by their parent or guardian. You can find the necessary documents here.

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Important informations

Guests under the age of 16: under parental supervision or accompanied by an adult authorized by a parent. Guests between the ages of 16-18: with a parental declaration completed in advance by their parent or guardian. You can find the necessary documents here.