Péterfy Bori igazi multitálentum, koncertjein pedig rendre azt bizonyítja, hogy a színpadra született. Egy igazi energiabomba, aki mély, rekedtes orgánumával, végtelen dögösséggel, utánozhatatlan, vad karizmájával és persze csodás zenekarával varázsolja el minden koncerten a közönséget. A Péterfy Bori & Love Band nyárzáró rituáléra készül a Budapest Parkban.
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Guests under the age of 16: under parental supervision or accompanied by an adult authorized by a parent. Guests between the ages of 16-18: with a parental declaration completed in advance by their parent or guardian. You can find the necessary documents here.
Less informationA Budapest Park és az UNICEF összefogott a fiatalok lelki egészségéért. Csatlakozz Te is, és segíts adományoddal!
Guests under the age of 16: under parental supervision or accompanied by an adult authorized by a parent. Guests between the ages of 16-18: with a parental declaration completed in advance by their parent or guardian. You can find the necessary documents here.
In addition to the ticket price, Budapest Park charges a handling fee for online ticket sales. This is the administration fee for buying the tickets online. It is possible to buy the tickets at the on-site ticket office and at some Ticketportal ticket offices, in which case this handling fee will not be charged.
We would like to inform you that the handling fee, expressed in HUF, will be determined at a fixed price per event, considering the nature of the event, the performer, the expected number of visitors, the venue of the event and the types of tickets to be sold and the expected combinations of these which we’re determining by business estimate before the ticket sales start. The amount of the handling fee charged for one ticket is determined in a fixed amount for the given event which is independent of the date of ticket purchase and the type of ticket you purchased. We have informed you about the amount of the handling fee for the purchase of a given ticket at the beginning of the booking process and you can see it before the purchase is finished. You can cancel the booking process at any time before making the payment.